【ひろゆき】NISAとiDeCo活用して、インドとアメリカと日本株に投資してます。インドどうなりますか?期待してるんですがー ひろゆき切り抜き 20241008

質問者:イナマサオミ ¥500
元動画:世界も日本も予想しづらい2か月。Vieux-Lille Rousseを吞みながら。M20 2024/10/8

(00:00) NISAとiDeCo活用してインドとアメリカと日本株に投資してます。インドどうなりますか期待してるんですか。えっとインド、多分アメリカと日本が下がった時には結果としてインドは良くなるんじゃないかなと思うんですけど、あのインドって一応資本主義なんですけど、あまりその、まあカースト制度的な風景主義があったりとか、その、なんか国を上げてなんか設けようぜみたいなのならないんですよね。なんか、あのだらだら自分たちのこう、あの種族というか、あのこう家族が幸せになってくれればそれでいいよねっていう感じだったりするので。






[音楽] 昔あのその、あのこうブッタが悟りを開いたっていう母大樹のところまで行ったことがあるんですけど、でそこがね気温でね40なんか3°とかももうちょっとあか48°とかあったかな、なんかあの信じられないくらい熱いところで、であのうちの彼女があの容赦なく体調を崩すっていう。で僕ちょうど体調めちゃくちゃ悪かったんですけど、なんかね、あのその寒気を感じるじゃないですか、人って体調が悪なると。

でただ、あの気温が熱すぎるせいであの寒気を感じなくて、むしろ快適だったっていうので、なんで僕としてはそのなんかね48度は良かっ たなってなるんですけど、なんかあのうちの彼女は体重あこ佐さんささんっていう方が(03:14)あの今その日本あのインドのなんかインド仏教のなんか1個の派閥のトップみたいになってるみたいです。

はい、あのセルガおすめはい、あのセルガ持ってて飲ました。はい、あのインドで僕セガで、あと前沖縄で1回体調崩した時に誰かが正路ガを持って助かって、でそれ以来あの正路ガをあのスーツケースに必ず入れるようにしていて、なのでインドの時もあのこう体調崩した時にこうセロガを飲んで、あのなんとかなったっていうのなあのでスーツケースには必ずセロが入れるようにしてるんですけど、ただあのなんかこう世界の果てに広行置いてきた的な番組の場合だとあのスーツケースではないので全然前回は正路が持ってったけど前回は持ってか なかったかなっていう感じです。


Title: (80) [Hiroyuki] I’m using NISA and iDeCo to invest in Indian, American, and Japanese stocks. What will happen to India? I’m hopeful – Hiroyuki clip 20241008 – YouTube


(00:00) I’m using NISA and iDeCo to invest in Indian, American, and Japanese stocks. What will happen to India? I’m hopeful about it. I think that when America and Japan go down, India will do well as a result. Although India is officially capitalist, it doesn’t have that kind of competitive spirit to lift the nation and make money. Instead, it seems like they just want their families or tribes to be happy.

So, I don’t think India will really position itself in the global economy. In terms of population, it’s catching up to China, and some say it might surpass China in the long run. Therefore, it should have a greater influence on the world, but in reality, it doesn’t have much of an impact. This may relate to the Buddhist mindset of “let’s all get along” and living leisurely; they feel that if they are happy now without needing to make money, that’s enough.

In many cases around the world, people are driven to make money to ensure happiness, leading to thoughts of earning money even if it means engaging in something shady. However, in India, if they do something bad, they might reincarnate into a worse situation in the next life, so they think, “Now that I’ve finally become human, I don’t want to do bad things and become an insect in my next life.”

There’s also the perspective of the people of Hindus regarding the caste system; they’re bound by it, but fundamentally, they believe in reincarnation. So, they choose not to do bad things, thinking that someone is watching them. This makes them more considerate compared to others in a capitalist society.

Buddhism also originated in India with Siddhartha Gautama (02:09). However, Buddhism in India seems to have weakened significantly, and I heard that the current top person in Indian Buddhism is apparently Japanese. There are about three sects of Indian Buddhism, and I think the head of one sect is currently a Japanese person.

[Music] I once visited the Bodhi tree where Buddha attained enlightenment, and it was extremely hot, around 43° or even 48°. My girlfriend became very ill there, and I was also feeling quite bad. When people get sick, they feel cold, but due to the extreme heat, I didn’t feel cold at all and actually felt comfortable. So, I thought that 48 degrees was okay, but my girlfriend was really struggling.

There’s a person named Akiko Sasan (03:14), who seems to be the head of one of the sects of Indian Buddhism in Japan. Yes, I always carry Serola with me. I learned to do so after someone helped me with it when I got sick in Okinawa, and since then, I’ve made it a habit to always pack Serola in my suitcase. Therefore, when I got sick in India, I took Serola and managed to get through it. That’s why I always ensure I have Serola in

