【ひろゆき】40歳男統合失調症。人混みや外にずっといるのが苦手。人が怖いと言う感情は、どうしたら治せますか?ー ひろゆき切り抜き 20240522

質問者:寝坊助 ¥1,600
40歳男統合失調症です。人混みや外にずっといるのが苦手で無理すると疲れてきて人が怖くなります。やっかいな問題ですが、その場合寝ればだいたい治ってきます。テレビゲームをやり過ぎても同じ状態になります。人がいない状態でも辛いです。しかし外でそうなったら寝れないので辛いだけの時間を過ごすことになります。精神科には27年間通っていますが効果のある薬も無いです。 人が怖いと言う感情は、どうしたら治せますか?
元動画:【part2】現実が辛いと研究・創作は捗る。Deck & Donohue IPAを呑みながら 2024/05/22 W21























[Hiroyuki] A 40-year-old man with schizophrenia. He struggles with being in crowds and outside for long periods. How can one overcome the feeling of being afraid of people? – Hiroyuki Clip 20240522 – YouTube”


A 40-year-old man with schizophrenia here. I’ve always had difficulty being outside in crowds, and if I push myself, I get tired and start being afraid of people. It’s a troublesome issue, but it generally improves if I sleep before it happens. Even playing video games excessively causes a similar state.
Even when there are no people around, it’s tough. But when this happens outside, I can’t sleep, so I end up just going through a tough time. I’ve been going to a psychiatrist for 27 years, but there’s no effective medicine for this. What can I do to stop being afraid of people?

Well, you’re not causing harm to anyone, right? I think if, like me, you prefer staying at home and lying around, not meeting people could be a valid option. So, I believe the issue is how to resolve the thought that you must meet people.

I feel that people in Japan often have a strong sense of obligation, thinking “I must do this.” But I believe you don’t necessarily have to meet people or even work if you don’t want to.
After all, the Japanese Constitution says you can receive welfare benefits, and that it guarantees a minimum standard of living.

So, I think welfare benefits are perfectly fine, and since it’s written in the Constitution and there are laws supporting it, the concern about what society thinks is more about whom you’re living for.

If you’re living for society’s expectations, then feel free to do as you please, but as for me, I believe society is more like a bunch of NPCs (non-player characters) who exist for me to live happily. So, when it’s useful to me, I use society, and when society holds a different opinion, I just think, “Oh, that’s how the NPCs think.”

Therefore, I don’t think there’s any need to immerse yourself in or cater to society.

This idea that “going to a prestigious university, joining a famous company, and working there leads to happiness” is something that I think 60 to 70% of Japanese children are told.

Currently, about 50% of young Japanese people attend university, and of those, 50% graduate. But I believe even those who don’t attend university are raised hearing things like, “It’s better to go to university and join a big company.”
However, if you ask the people working at big companies whether they are happy, you’ll find that just being in a big company doesn’t necessarily mean there’s a higher ratio of happy people.

There are happy people in small companies, just as there are happy people in big companies.

There are also happy people among athletes, and even among those on welfare.

Although the proportion of happy people on welfare is certainly low, the ratio of happy people in big companies, small companies, or self-employed doesn’t vary much.

Some people may realize that after working at a big company, self-employment suited them better, or that they are better off starting a small business. So, the idea that going to a prestigious university and joining a big company leads to happiness is something you can’t know until you try.

And if you can’t know without trying, there’s no need to force yourself to attend a prestigious university or join a big company.
Personally, I’m quite capable of living without spending much money, so I think I could live a lifestyle supported by welfare benefits quite easily.

If that makes you happy, then that’s it. So, if welfare is enough for you, then that’s fine. I just can’t work for a company. I can’t get up every day at the same time and go to the same place repeatedly.

That’s why I also can’t commute to a big company.
So, I end up doing freelance work or finding a small company where I can work when I wake up, or something along those lines.

I’m living quite happily by doing what I can within my limits. Whether you call me a social misfit or a success in society is up to how you see it.

I can’t work for a big company or wake up early every day to catch the crowded trains.

But, in my own self-perception, I’m a success in society. I don’t ride crowded trains just to get into a big company, and I don’t have any financial troubles.
I get to live by only doing the work I want to do, without doing anything I hate.

So, I think, “Wow, society is pretty easy, and life is fun.”

But there are people who might call my way of living that of a social misfit. However, there’s no need to argue back against them or conform to their ideas.

So, I think you can try living the way you want, and if that makes you happy, then that’s all that matters. Yes.

