【ひろゆき】19歳男。バイセクシャルで人を好きになるとその人のことをずっと考えてしまう。恋愛関係に発展しない。人を好きになるメリットはある?ー ひろゆき切り抜き 20240930

質問者:道草 ¥1,600
元動画:2024年はあと3か月の巻。La Bleueを吞みながら。L19 2024/09/30

(00:00) え私は19歳の男です。人を好きになると、その人のことをずっと考えてしまうので、時間の無駄に感じます。また、私はバイセクシャルなので、どうせ異性とも同性ともに好きになってしまいます。どうせ恋愛に発展しないので、人を好きになるのは時間の無駄だと感じます。人を好きになるメリットはありますか?また、人のことを好きにならない方法はありますか?


(01:03) で、多分草さんは、その相手が好きになったけど、相手が自分のことを好きになってくれないことに対して時間の無駄だと感じてしまうんですよ。だからね、所詮ね、その程度の好きなんすよ。例えば、このサコチャンネルさんがビーズ好きだとして、いくらビーズが好きでビーズのCDを買っても、ビーズがサコチャンネルさんの名前を覚えるわけないし、知りもしないし、稲葉さんが「サコチャンネルさん、僕のこと好きだったな」なんて全く思いません。


(02:06) なので、その「見返りが欲しい」という考え方自体が間違いだと思います。なので、多分、草さんは見返りがなくても好きでいられる相手が今のところいないか、単に「この人と何かしたいよね」という性欲の問題なんだと思うんです。


(03:09) なので、草さんの「好き」というのは、ただの下心なんです。だから報われないし、時間の無駄だと感じるんだと思います。でも、もし「相手が幸せになってくれればそれでいい」という無償の愛的なものが身についていれば、逆にその人に好かれるんじゃないかと思います。


(04:11) えっとね、自分が好きになるよりも、相手に好かれた方が人生は楽ですよ。自分が好きな人にしか好きになれなくて、自分が追う人がいるけど、その人たちは自分のことが好きじゃないっていうタイプの人がいるんですけど、そのタイプは人生相当きついですよ。だから、自分のことを好きな人と一緒にいた方が楽だよねって気づくタイミングがいつか来ると思いますけど、若いうちは一目惚れとかするからね。

Title: “(78) [Hiroyuki] 19-year-old male. As a bisexual, I can’t stop thinking about someone I like, but it never develops into a relationship. Is there any benefit in liking someone? – Hiroyuki’s Clip 20240930 – YouTube”


(00:00) “Uh, I’m a 19-year-old male. When I start liking someone, I can’t stop thinking about them, and it feels like a waste of time. Also, since I’m bisexual, I end up liking both men and women, but since it never develops into a romantic relationship, I feel like liking someone is a waste of time. Is there any benefit to liking someone? And, is there a way not to like people?”

Well, um, I think the issue here, Kusa, is not about liking someone itself, but it’s more about the mindset of being frustrated with the lack of reciprocation after liking someone. For instance, take idol fans, even if they really love their idol and keep buying merchandise, they don’t particularly feel that the lack of reciprocation is a problem.

(01:03) So, I think you, Kusa, feel like it’s a waste of time because you like someone but that person doesn’t like you back. That’s why you end up feeling it’s a waste of time. So, honestly, that’s the extent of your feelings. For example, if Sako Channel-san really loves B’z, no matter how much you love B’z and buy their CDs, B’z isn’t going to remember your name, they don’t know who you are, and Inaba-san isn’t going to think, “Oh, Sako Channel-san loves me.”

But, probably, people who love B’z are fine with that. They just love B’z, and when B’z creates their music and you listen to it and think, “Ah, this is a great song,” that’s enough.

(02:06) So, I think the idea of “wanting reciprocation” is the problem here. So, maybe you don’t have anyone at the moment that you can like without needing anything in return, or maybe it’s just an issue of wanting to do something with that person—it’s probably more of a physical desire issue.

There’s no such thing as unconditional love at a hostess bar. People who go to hostess bars are usually hoping for something romantic or physical with the hostess, so they order a lot of drinks or buy champagne with ulterior motives, hoping for something to happen with the hostess.

(03:09) So, what you call “liking” is just driven by ulterior motives. That’s why it’s not reciprocated and why you feel it’s a waste of time. But if you can develop the mindset of “as long as the other person is happy, that’s enough,” in other words, an unconditional love, then I think you’ll end up being liked by others in return.

People can somehow tell when someone doesn’t expect anything in return. They think, “This person is a good person.” And people naturally gravitate toward those kinds of people, so developing a habit of not seeking reciprocation might actually make people like you more in the long run.

(04:11) You know, life is easier if you’re liked by others rather than liking someone yourself. There are people who can only like those they have a crush on and end up chasing after them, but those people don’t like them back. That type of person has a pretty tough life. So, at some point, you’ll realize it’s easier to be with someone who likes you. But when you’re young, it’s common to fall in love at first sight, right?”

