【ひろゆき】石破さんは既得権益にとらわれないのがいいところだったのに、いきなり前言撤回しているところを見ると自民党の闇は根深いのでしょうか?ー ひろゆき切り抜き 20240930

元動画:2024年はあと3か月の巻。La Bleueを吞みながら。L19 2024/09/30

(00:00) え、石破さんは既得権益にとらわれないのがいいところだったので、いきなり前言撤回しているところを見ると、自民党の闇は根深いのでしょうか? あ、そうなんだ、まあでも、ある程度仲良くするというのは必要だと思うので。で、あの、ぶっちゃけ今回の閣僚、超どうでもいいと思うんですよね。まあ、結局その総選挙があって、総選挙の後に閣僚を変えますっていうのが多分なると思うので。なので、今、論功行賞の状態なので、割と適当にやればいいかなと思ってるんですけど。






(02:11) そうすると、あの、今高一さんとか小林幸さんの下についてる人は、下手すると20年間ポストが得られない可能性があるんですよ。で、あの、石破さんってその、仲間を後ろから切るって言われてるじゃないですか。で、あれを石破さんをバッシングしてる人たちが言ってるんですけど、これを高一さんと小林さんは今それをせざるを得ないんですよ。







(04:20) なので、石破さんの政権はそこそこ長く続いちゃうんじゃないかなって気がするんですよね。




(05:25) むしろその、石破さんの中でこう手下風な感じでポストを奪い取って、その石破さんが配ることができるポストというリソースを減らすというのが、石破さんのエネルギーを弱める上では重要なんですけど、それやらなかったっていうのは、なんか戦う上ではもったいないなっていう風に思うんですけど。

[Hiroyuki] Ishiba-san’s Strength Was That He Wasn’t Bound by Established Interests, But Seeing Him Suddenly Take Back His Words, Does This Show How Deep the Darkness in the LDP Runs? – Hiroyuki Kiri Nuki 20240930 – YouTube”


(00:00) Ishiba-san’s strength was that he wasn’t bound by established interests, but seeing him suddenly take back his words, does this show how deep the darkness in the LDP runs? Oh, I see. Well, I do think it’s necessary to get along with others to some extent. Honestly, though, I think this whole cabinet shuffle is pretty irrelevant. After the general election, the cabinet will probably change again, so right now we’re in a phase of handing out rewards, and I think it’s okay to handle things fairly casually.

That said, I think Kobayashi-san and Takai-san made a mistake right from the start. When you’re handing out rewards, it’s impossible to allocate posts equally to everyone. Essentially, the number of posts available in the party is limited. So, assigning roles like Policy Research Council Chairperson or Secretary-General is a privilege the Prime Minister holds.

When top figures like Takai-san or Kobayashi Kouichi-san turn down these roles, it signals that there’s no need to allocate posts to their factions anymore. If you can’t allocate posts to everyone in the LDP, favoritism inevitably happens. You give posts to allies and leave out your rivals within the party.

If people see that supporting Ishiba-san gets them posts, the existing members will all line up behind him, since receiving posts also brings various benefits. On the other hand, if you don’t get a post from Ishiba-san and refuse to work with him, then those siding against him will lose out on those perks.

So, for example, people might side with Takai-san or Kobayashi Kouichi-san, or with others like Hayashi-san or Kato-san, or really anyone else, just because it seems convenient. This dynamic keeps rising. For instance, during Abe’s first term as Prime Minister, Ishiba-san was the number two figure. From there, it took him 20 years to become the leader of the LDP, and for those 20 years, he didn’t receive any meaningful posts.

(02:11) Now, people working under Takai-san or Kobayashi Kouichi-san could find themselves without a post for 20 years. Ishiba-san has often been accused of “backstabbing his allies,” a narrative pushed by his critics. But now, Takai-san and Kobayashi-san are in a situation where they have no choice but to do something similar.

Without receiving a position, they’re left to criticize the administration, saying things like, “This isn’t the way the LDP should operate,” or pointing out its flaws. In other words, this act of pointing out flaws from the sidelines could be seen as backstabbing your allies.

Taking on this position, where you’re free to speak out without receiving a role, essentially means they’ve positioned themselves as the internal opposition to the administration. But this is exactly what Ishiba-san’s critics have accused him of: backstabbing his allies. It’s quite harsh.

In the end, Ishiba-san is number one right now. After he was ousted, people likely thought they could just get by without supporting him, but eventually, they had no choice but to work with him. The era where figures like Nikai-san and Aso-san held significant power is clearly over. Now, Takai-san, who was supported by Nikai and Aso, has failed.

Meanwhile, Ishiba-san has managed to gather other factions under his umbrella, and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to overturn this situation. Even if Ishiba-san were to lose an election, it’s doubtful whether Takai-san or Kobayashi Kouichi-san could win the next one. The public already understands this dynamic.

(04:20) So, I feel like Ishiba-san’s administration might last quite a while. After that, maybe someone like Hayashima-san could take over, someone who would be broadly accepted within the LDP. But if they exclude people like Takai-san and Kobayashi-san and only favor their allies, the favoritism will become worse.

You can’t make everyone happy. Making your allies happy means making others unhappy, and this creates a gap. By refusing roles like Policy Research Council Chair or Public Relations Chief, Takai and Kobayashi essentially chose the path of being excluded.

The group receiving favoritism will keep thriving, while those who aren’t will remain stuck. This situation is one that they chose for themselves, and I feel like they’re not thinking long-term. On the contrary, had they stayed under Ishiba-san and secured posts for themselves, they could have weakened his influence by limiting the resources he can distribute. But they didn’t take that path, which I think was a missed opportunity in terms of strategy.

