【ひろゆき】石焼きビビンバ事件をご存知ですか?ー ひろゆき切り抜き 20240930

質問者:裕美子中川 ¥1,000
元動画:2024年はあと3か月の巻。La Bleueを吞みながら。L19 2024/09/30

(00:01) [音楽]

(01:07) でもそのペペロンチーノとかあのなんか単に唐辛子とオリーブオイルとあの塩だけですげえ美味しいじゃないですかあんな簡単な調味料でだからペペロンチーノを発明した人のおかげで人生仕に人めちゃめちゃいっぱいいるんですよいと思ですよねあのま天とかもさあの単にお結びの中にあの天ぷらを入れるだけでなんかすげえ美味しく感じるみたいなっっていうのでそのなんかこの料理を発明するということはあのすすごい価値を世の中に振りまいてるにもかわらずその料理を発明した人って1円も入らないんだよね。

(02:12) だからなんかまあまそのま構造上誰でも真似できるからしょうがないよねっていうのはま分かるんだけどあそカルボナーラとかねそのあのタバコの黄の部分だけこう熱が入らないようにしてこうあのとろっとこうスパゲティに絡めて食べるみたいなでそこにこう肉の油のベーコンその肉の油が入るとのタンパク質とその動物の脂質とていうのの味がすごく美味しいよねみたいなあれも簡単に作れてすごい美味しいのに別にあのカルボナーラ発明した人にお金入ってないんだよね。

(03:18) いやだからなんかそのもうちょっと料理に対して評価されるべきというかまなんかその著作権とかが権利強すぎっていう料理考えた人に比べたらなんか人類に貢献したレベルだいぶ低くねっって思うんすよねなんかそのネズミとかどうでもいいじゃんネズミランドなんかネズミランドはさまあまあ面白かったけどさ別にネズミランドのネズミみんなが使い始めたとしてもさ人類そんなに困んないしさじゃネズミーランドのネズミがいたことで人類がどれぐらい幸せになったかって言うとさ別にネズミーランドのネズミの漫画とかアニメみんなそんな見てないじゃんそれよりはなんか料理とかの方がよっぽどなんか人類に貢献してると思うんですよね。

英訳: Title: “(78) [Hiroyuki] Are you familiar with the Stone Bibimbap Incident? – Hiroyuki Clip 20240930 – YouTube”

(00:01) [Music]
Are you familiar with Hiroyuki’s stone bibimbap incident? The other day, the Chinese government announced that stone bibimbap originated in China, and the South Korean government strongly opposed it. So that’s what happened. When I looked it up, it turned out that a yakiniku restaurant in Osaka started it. It’s peaceful, isn’t it? Yeah, Japan is peaceful. Isn’t it fine? It doesn’t really matter which country it came from, but I guess the yakiniku restaurant in Osaka is probably run by Koreans. I don’t know, though. When it comes to the origin of food, people can argue back and forth, claiming who the real originator is, but as long as it’s fun and delicious things keep evolving, isn’t that all that matters? Yeah, I think so. However, when it comes to cooking, I find it strange in comparison to society or the world. Copyright laws are extremely strict, aren’t they? Only one person can use it, and if you copy it, you get arrested. But cooking… the people who come up with dishes are incredibly talented, and because of them, a lot of happiness is spread around.

(01:07) But take something like peperoncino, for example. It’s just chili peppers, olive oil, and salt, but it’s insanely delicious, right? With such simple ingredients. Thanks to the person who invented peperoncino, there are so many people who have enjoyed life because of it. I think that’s great. Also, like tempura rice balls, just putting tempura inside a rice ball can make it taste amazing. So, inventing a dish spreads incredible value to society, but the person who invented it doesn’t make a cent.

(02:12) I understand that structurally, anyone can copy it, so it can’t be helped, but take carbonara, for example. By keeping only the yellow part of the egg from getting too hot, you can make it creamy and mix it with the pasta, then add some bacon fat. The combination of the protein and animal fat creates an amazing flavor. It’s easy to make and tastes great, but the person who invented carbonara doesn’t get any money either.

(03:18) So I feel like cooking should be appreciated more. Copyright laws are too strong. Compared to people who invent dishes, the level of contribution to humanity from other things seems pretty low, don’t you think? I mean, who cares about a mouse? Like Disneyland’s mouse. Sure, Disneyland was fun, but even if everyone started using that mouse, humanity wouldn’t be too affected. If you ask how much happiness the mouse from Disneyland brought to humanity, well, not many people even watch the cartoons or movies about that mouse. On the other hand, I think food has contributed far more to humanity.

