【ひろゆき】呂布カルマさんが大麻について炎上。法律の見直しについて話し合おう!→違法だからダメ!は理解できない。 どう思いますか?ー ひろゆき切り抜き 20241008

【ひろゆき】呂布カルマさんが大麻について炎上。法律の見直しについて話し合おう!→違法だからダメ!は理解できない。 どう思いますか?ー ひろゆき切り抜き 20241008
ひろゆきさんこんばんは! 最近呂布カルマさんが大麻について【不公平過ぎる】といった発信をされ炎上しニュースになっていましたが、リプ欄が大荒れでした。 大麻を使う!→違法だからダメ!はわかるのですが、法律の見直しについて話し合おう!→違法だからダメ!は理解できないです。 ひろゆきさんはどう思いますか。
元動画:世界も日本も予想しづらい2か月。Vieux-Lille Rousseを吞みながら。M20 2024/10/8









【Hiroyuki】Rofu Karma gets criticized over marijuana remarks. Let’s discuss legal reforms! → Saying “It’s bad because it’s illegal” doesn’t make sense. What do you think? – Hiroyuki Clip 20241008
So recently, Mr. Midorikawa made a comment that seemed overly fair about marijuana, which caused a stir and made the news.
The replies were a mess.

I understand the argument that using marijuana is “bad because it’s illegal,” but I can’t understand the denial of even discussing legal reforms.
What do you think?

Well, talking to people who lack critical thinking often results in that kind of reaction.
There are people in this world who simply can’t engage in discussions about turning illegal things legal or making legal things illegal.

You know, something often seen on the internet is not people sharing their genuine thoughts, but instead finding satisfaction in attacking others from a position of moral superiority.

So, when someone says, “This person is under fire, and it’s okay to criticize them for these reasons,” it allows individuals with no fame or influence to attack a well-known person.
By doing so, they feel they’ve achieved something, inflicted damage, and done a “good thing” since the target was already under fire. It gives them a sense of moral satisfaction—for free.

Thus, when people think, “It’s okay to attack this person,” they jump on the bandwagon.
As long as they stick to the same methods everyone else uses, they think they’re in the right.

And so, even if someone argues for legal reform based on the legality or illegality of something, others dismiss it with “It’s bad because it’s illegal,” simply because everyone else is saying it.

Acting in line with the crowd makes them feel they’re not wrong.

When the target becomes newsworthy because of the controversy, and they seem to struggle, it reinforces the feeling of having pursued justice and “done the right thing,” which makes people feel good.

But this structure doesn’t change much, does it?

In the U.S. and English-speaking countries, they call such people “social warriors.”
And you’ll find them all over the world.

