【ひろゆき】友人のニコラスがツイッターでつい他人の悪口を言ってしまう。他人に刺さっちゃうひと言をリプライして気持ちよくなっているようですー ひろゆき切り抜き 20240930

質問者:カルカルチャンネル ¥3,200
元動画:2024年はあと3か月の巻。La Bleueを吞みながら。L19 2024/09/30

(00:01) 友人のニコラスがTwitterでつい他人の悪口を言ってしまい、友達がいません。僕は数少ない友達なんですが、たくさんの人に嫌われていて見てて辛いです。なんとか止めたいですが、他人に刺さっちゃう一言をリプライして気持ちよくなっているようです。これは一瞬の病気なんでしょうか? うん、まあでもあの、えっとね、怒るというエンターテイメントと、あの、えっと、人を不快にさせるというエンターテイメントがあるんですよ。


(01:05) で、そんな感じで人を不快にするっていうエンターテイメントで、いたずらっていうのがあるんですけど、まあピンポンダッシュみたいなね。なのでこう、人を困らせたり人が嫌がることをやって楽しくなるっていうエンターテイメントもあるんです。一般的な生活の中ではあんまりそういう人は見ないんですけど、インターネットでは、そういうお金のない人はそういうことを遊びとして始めることがあるんですよね。


(02:09) まあでもね、うん、時間の無駄なんですけど、お金のない人って、結局そのインターネットぐらいしかエンターテイメントがなかったりするんですよ。彼氏や彼女がいる人だったら、多分彼氏や彼女と一緒に時間を使ったほうが全然楽しいし、お金があるならゲームを買ったほうが全然楽しいし、漫画を読んだら全然楽しいんですけど、漫画を買う金もないし、ゲームを買う金もないし、彼氏彼女もいない、友達もいないってなると、攻撃することで嫌われるけど、それでも人間と関わることができたりするんですよ。


(03:15) よく、その、どこそこから攻撃されるっていうので結束することがあるんです。国から攻撃されるから俺たち結束しようぜっていうほうが、やっぱり結束力強くなるんですよね。なので、その敵を作ることで、結果として結束することによって「自分に仲間がいる」「友達がいる」「同じ思想の同士がいる」という思い込みができるんですよ。


(04:20) 共通の好きより、共通の敵のほうがやっぱり強いんですよね、絆が。これは多分、元々動物としての野生の本能だと思うんですよね。要するに、好きはどうでもいいですけど、嫌いは排除しないと食われたりするんですよ。例えば普通に農村にいますという状態で、あそこに人食いグがいますってなると、人食いグをなんとかしてみんなで殺さないといけないよねっていう、嫌いや怖い、敵というものに対して仲間を作って排除しようってなるんです。


(05:05) そう、人間という生き物は、動物は基本的には、好きよりも嫌いで味方を作るほうが本能に忠実っていうDNAに刻まれているっていうことなのかなと思いますけどね。そんなもんですよ、人類なんて。所詮は。

Title: (78) [Hiroyuki] My friend Nicholas can’t help but talk badly about others on Twitter. He seems to enjoy replying with words that sting others – Hiroyuki Clips 20240930 – YouTube.


(00:01) My friend Nicholas can’t help but talk badly about others on Twitter, and as a result, he doesn’t have many friends. I’m one of his few friends, but he’s disliked by many people, and it’s tough to watch. I want to stop him somehow, but it seems like he enjoys making others feel bad with a stinging reply. Is this just a momentary illness? Well, you know, there’s entertainment in getting angry and entertainment in making others uncomfortable.

There wasn’t much awareness of this before, but for example, people who call themselves “patriots” or “ordinary Japanese people” often seek out anti-Korea or anti-China news and deliberately make themselves angry. That’s one way of spending time in entertainment. You might think they’d enjoy watching anime or movies more, but instead, they actively look for news that makes them angry and leave comments on sites like “Hoshusokuho.” These people enjoy the entertainment of anger.

(01:05) Similarly, there’s entertainment in making others uncomfortable, like playing pranks. It’s like the old “ring and run” prank. Some people enjoy causing trouble or doing things that others dislike. While you don’t often encounter these people in everyday life, you do see them on the internet, especially those without money. They start engaging in these kinds of behaviors as a form of entertainment. So, instead of it being a disease, it’s more of a reality that there are many people like this in the world.

(02:09) But, you know, it’s a waste of time. However, for people without money, the internet is often their only form of entertainment. If someone has a boyfriend or girlfriend, they’d probably spend time with them, which is much more fun. If they have money, buying a game or reading manga would be way more enjoyable. But if they don’t have money for manga, can’t buy games, and don’t have a boyfriend or girlfriend, then they resort to attacking others, even if it makes them disliked, as a way to interact with people.

Moreover, when people unite around something like “those guys are so annoying,” the bond is much stronger than when they unite around something they like. I believe negative bonds are more powerful than positive ones in humans.

(03:15) We often see people unite when they feel they are being attacked. For instance, if a country attacks us, we’re more likely to unite and say, “Let’s stick together.” That kind of unity is stronger. Creating an enemy helps foster this unity, leading people to feel like they have companions, friends, or comrades with the same mindset. Even though they might not truly think that way, they look at those who make antagonistic statements and say, “This guy is the enemy, let’s do something about him,” and they start identifying as comrades in the same situation, gaining a sense of trust. It was like that for a while, and it still is to this day.

(04:20) Bonds formed by a shared dislike are stronger than those formed by a shared love. I think this is rooted in our primal instincts as animals. After all, liking something doesn’t matter as much, but disliking something triggers survival instincts — it’s about avoiding threats. For instance, if you’re living in a village and there’s a man-eating tiger around, everyone would band together to kill it, because it’s dangerous. However, there’s no need to unite over liking flowers or birds or berries or fish. You can pursue your own likes individually.

But when it comes to dislikes, people are naturally inclined to form a strong bond — I think it’s part of our self-preservation instinct.

(05:05) So, although we often hear “Talk about things you like rather than things you hate,” the reality is that humans, as animals, are more faithful to their instincts when they bond over hatred. It’s something that’s probably encoded in our DNA. That’s just how humanity is, after all.

